Monday, October 25, 2010

Season's Fold

I love love love October and Autumn. I really enjoy all the seasons but the thrill of October is brilliant. Foliage blazing, crisp air, the smell of the fields, so sweet and pungent. When the days are sunny I feel I have to be out in it since winter is coming. Putting the wood and food up is a labour of love, I think of all who will enjoy it and this reality warms me. Offering food is what I do and am happy it is something I can give since it is so important.
All the ovens going, baking, drying, roasting....reaping what I sow and putting up the bounty. Pure joy.

As the garlic is planted, food dug and stored and fields wrapped up, this time of year offers the window of opportunity to *play*, be social with friends and share meals together. THIS is the best. With the early dark, it feels luxurious to catch up on sleeeeep and reading. I am starting to feel like I am not yet 100 years old and a tad bit rested, it may take a few more days.....I will relish every moment. I have decided that I must take the time to enjoy all that has happened this year. It has been a whirlwind, a wonderful but wild one and to step back and out to truly enjoy all that has been accomplished is what I need to do, let it sink in and celebrate it. It is so easy to keep working hard and not stop. I love to work hard, it makes me feel content but stopping is amazing also. Time to indulge my secret lazy side.

The new kitchen is fantastic. This winter I am looking forward to playing in the kitchen, experimenting with new recipes and becoming efficient in this large space. I remember a friend asking me when looking at this farm, "it is so big and there is only you, why do you want such a large home?" I replied that I had huge plans. My lovely Fire Fly Farm has been everything I dreamed of. The loyal support of my customers that come rain or shine to the Farmer's Markets has made this all possible. These moments of true community are what make all the difference. I am full of gratitude~
May you all be enjoying this most spectacular Autumn~

Monday, October 4, 2010

Post Common Ground Country Fair and Farmer's Markets

It is one week after the annual Common Ground Country Fair, a one of a kind Maine event, it is hard to describe the Common Ground Fair. It is a complete DIY festival, I wish every region had one. All Maine, all organic. Workshops on how to build or craft anything and everything, how to be truly in tune with the land, farming sustainably and seeing a life style of self sufficiency. This event is always the third weekend after Labor Day weekend. I could go on and on about how fabulous the fair and MOFGA is, you can check out the website:

Being back at my regular schedule of Farmer’s market this weekend is like a festival also. I feel rich in fabulous food trades with all my favorite farmer friends. Missing just one week makes me miss everyone. This community of farmer’s coming together, creating/growing their amazing goods, then packing it all up at wee hours of the morning, driving to a vacant parking lot to set up a complete shop and transform this open lot into a festival of colorful and incredible variety of vegetables, dairy, award winning cheeses, wool, baked goods of all kinds, flowers, fresh meats of all sorts, smoked, cured meats too, seafood and poultry. Every farmer spends multiple hours making this open air market happen. Then at the end of the market, pack it all up and voyage home.
Some folks believe they can do anything. Farmers really can, I undoubtably believe this. After a farmer’s market of sharing stories and crazy adventures of the week on the farm, I am proud to call myself a farmer, to be a smaller version of what these great folks, our farmers, are all about.
Come out to your local farmer’s market. Experience the true spirit of community and how you can be a localvore~~yes, even in Maine.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Autumn in Maine~

I guess it is terrible when my LAST blog post was~~ I cannot believe it is September and now here it is October and the same thought is in my head.....

October is one of my favorite months. I LOVE Autumn. Cool breezy, sunny days with brilliant foliage blazing and the signs of a time very soon when things will slooooow way down. At this moment, this thought of a slower pace is very comforting. Time to read, write, do yoga, create.....PLAY!!!! Now it is the time to scurry around with the squirrels, packing away my winter stash of the beautiful food I have grown, prepping the fields for winter and planting the garlic. The greenhouse is still going strong and is filled with plants offering freshness late into the fall and early winter. With these crisper days, one can muster the energy necessary to prepare for Maine winter. Even if in a state of exhaustion. It is exciting, the change of a season. Especially one so fabulously dramatic as Autumn in Maine. The strong winds are taking the rustling leaves from the trees all around. May you enjoy this Maine Autumn to it's fullest. It is really a spectacular one~